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[Xiaomi Redmi Note 7/7s] MSM Xtended XR 6.0 - OFFICIAL | Android 11


MSM Xtended XR 6.0 - OFFICIAL | Android 11.
Updated: 22/05/'21

The source has been completely rebased, so we're considering this as an initial build after the hiatus. 
So no changelog is provided for this release. From next release you'll get a proper changelog. 
However, a few important key points to consider:

* Updated to May security patch
* Release version bumped to v6.0
* Builds are signed with private keys. 
(This helps improve security and you get to verify if the build is genuine or tampered with. 
Furthermore, all apps that detect root will work fine without magisk hide.)
* OTA out of box for hassel-free updates.

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